The Origin and growth of our "Samaka Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre" is the saga of a tiny seed which was sown 50 years ago by Dr. P.T.Joshi (Panchakarma Maharshi).
This seed has sprouted, grown into a banyan tree and spread its branches offering hope and solace to millions of desolate poor people who suffer from various diseases.
Samaka Ayurvedic clinic was started 10 years ago by Dr. Pankaj Pawar, at Tilakwadi Yavatmal, since April 2000.
We provide hot and fresh Ayurvedic food to each patient.
Associate Doctors gives the detail information about the Ayurvedic treatment
Herbal gardening is there, to enjoy and learn some useful information about medicinal plants.
We provide the Yoga and Meditational classes for each patient.
Ayurved origin in India long back in pre-vedic period. Rigveda and Atharveda have references on health.
Ayurveda emphasizes preventive and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is a science and art of appropriate living which deals to achieve longevity, prevention of disease and long term maintenance of health. To achieve this balanced state of body, mind and consciousness ayurveda prescribes panchakarma therapy for the cleansing of body toxins.