Ayurved origin in India long back in pre-vedic period. Rigveda and Atharveda have references on health.

Ayurveda emphasizes preventive and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is a science and art of appropriate living which deals to achieve longevity, prevention of disease and long term maintenance of health. To achieve this balanced state of body, mind and consciousness ayurveda prescribes panchakarma therapy for the cleansing of body toxins.

What is panchakarma?

This is the process used to clean the body of toxic materials by various five treatments. These treatments are called as karmas in ayurveda.

  • Vaman Karma (Emesis Therapy)
  • Virechana Karma (Purification Therapy)
  • Nasya Karma (Ermine Therapy)
  • Shirodhara Karma Panchakarma will remove the excess doshas.

Ayurveda recommends panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for tuning mind, body system.Massage and steam bath is essential before doing panchakarma therapies. External and internal administration of oil is necessary. External application is done in many ways like massage, pizhichil.

1) Vaman
Vaman is the drug induced vomitting therapy which will be useful in various kapha diseases i.e. Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic sinusitis, Skin diseases, diabetes, Hyper acidity, Gland enlargement, Epilepsy etc.
2) Virechana
Virechan is the drug induced purgation. It cures all the pitta vikars. This is useful in diseases like Skin disorders, Chronic and relapsing fever, diabetes, Fistula, Disease of spleen, Tumours, Goiter, gland enlargement, Urinary obstruction, Worms, Headache, Heart diseases, Diabetes, Asthma, Cough, Epilepsy, Mental disorder etc.
3) Basti
Basti is a medicinal Enema by using medicated oil and herbal decoction. All types of diseases occured due to Vata doshas are cured by Basti. There are two types of Basti: Using onctuous oil (Anuvasana) Using herbal decoction (Nirooha) Nirooha Basti is given using decoction of certain drugs mainly the medicated oil. This is useful in diseases like Constipation, Obstruction in urination, Loss of body strength, discolouration, loss of sensation, worms, stiffness in fever, fistula, Stiffness in back and hips, Tremors, Joint diseases, Arthritis, Hemiplesia, Facial Paralysis, Pain due to calculus etc.
4) Nasya
In Nasya, medicated oil is inserted in the nostrils. It is very useful in the diseases of upper part of the neck. The medicines applied through the nose will reach and clean the doshas from the head. It is helpful in diseases like Headache, Migrane, Stiffness in head, Neck and shoulders, Lock jaw, Dental pain, Ear pain, Nasal pain, Eye and Ear problem, Loss of speech, Sleeplessness,Loss of function of shoulder muscles, Jaundice, Hormonal imbalance etc.
5) Shirodhara
Shirodhara is carried out by continuously flowing of oil or liquids on the forehead. It is useful in Hypertension, Urinary disorders, Diseases of eye and ear, Sleeplessness, Partial/complete paralysis, irrelevant speech, Atrophy of brain, Mental stress, Alopecia, Vertigo, Migraine, Mentally retarded children, Psychological disorders etc Other Karmas/Treatments: Rakthmokshan (Blood letting theraphy) This therapy is very best in pitta rogas. Rakthmokshan means removal of impure blood from the body. This is done by different methods: By using instruments. By using the leeches. It is useful in skin disease-any type Erisepalces, Jaundice, Ringworm due to impure blood and Higher headache, Snake bite, Alcholism, Drug addiction, Allergies etc.
6) Snehan
In Ayurveda it is called as Abhyanga. Snehan mean oil massage. Massage is necessary for human being. It helps to increase the strength and capaciity of muscles. It is being more youthful and for minimizing the effect of age. Increases the capacity of eye vision, Retrieves vata problem, pain in the body after delivery to normalise the vata dosha. It stimulates the nutrition of the body and causing an interchange of fluids within the tissues inflammation, swelling and disperses congestion.
7) Swedana
It is a sweating process is done after the snehan. In swedana therapy, the body or perspiration of body is done. It helps to remove the waste material and fats of the skins
8) Shirobasti
It means, keeping warm medicated oil on the head for certain period by using cap around the head. It is effective in case of Loss of sensation of the skin, Hypertension, Atrophy of brain, Mental stress, Mentally retarded children, Partial/complete paralysis, any type of head diseases, Pshycological disorders etc.
9) Pizhichil
Pizhchil means pouring and massaging of Medicated oil by 5-4 persons at a time on different body parts. It is useful in Vata vyadhi, paralysis, high blood pressure, Diabetes. It restores the strength of weak muscles, early stage of Tuberculosis.
10) Agnikarma
It means placing hot metal stick on a specific point for a very short period. It is useful in severe pain in joints or any Muscular areas, Lock Jaws, Stiffness of joints, Heavy bleeding etc.
11) Hrid Basti
Hrid Basti means keeping warm medicated oil on the area of the Heart for a certain period. It is the best and beneficial in heart disease like Coronary artery blockage, Cardiomegalic, Valvular diseases etc.
12) Netra Tarpan
Keeping a medicated ghee in a groove made up of flour and water. It is helpful to prevent the eye disease like catract . It also improves the vision.
13) Kahar Karma or Kshavsutra
Application of kshavsutra on specific affected area. It is beneficial in Piles, Wards, Fistula etc.
14) Uttar Basti
In female- Introducing medicated oil or herbal decoction in intrauterine cavity or up to the cervix

In Males: The oil or herbal decoction introduced into bladder. It helps in to cure the disease like Cervical erosin, Vaginitis, Endometriosis, Uterine fibroid, Infertility etc. in female and diseases of Urinary system in male.

15) Kati Basti
Keeping warm Medicated oil on the lumber region for some specific period. It helps to cure the diseases like lumber disc. Prolapse, lumber spondylysis, sciatca etc.
16) Tanubasti
: Keeping warm medicated oil on the knee joint. It is useful in diseases like Arthritis, degenerative, changes in the knee joint etc.
17) Lepan
External application of herbal packs mixed with water/ honey/ milk etc. on various body parts. It prevents or correct the discoloration to improve the skin texture, allergic skin rashes etc.
18) Udwartan
Scrubbing of different body parts by using various herbal powders. It dissolves, Excess sweating, and improves the color of skin. It helps in improving blood circulation.